About Us

JobHulu is neither a “normal” job listing platform nor just another HR brand, but an online job search website leveraging technology to solve human resources and education needs in Africa.

What We're All About

Aside from publishing the latest job vacancies and other opportunities (business, internships, scholarships, etc..) in Nigeria and around the world. We sometimes go the extra mile as investigative undercover to fish out false job offers because we believe job seekers don’t deserve to be swindled.

Our mission

Our mission is to remove all the inefficiencies and barriers that stand in someone’s path in pursuit of a better life.

Eradicating unemployment by efficiently connecting great candidates to great companies at all levels while constantly developing both ends of the marketplace in diverse functional areas in our little way is at the helm of our affairs.

Core Values
At JobHulu, we are committed to a set of core values that not only define who we are but also serve as a guide to help us become the brand we would like to be.
1. Integrity
2. Simplicity
3. Team Spirit
Our Vision

What We Hope To Achieve

"We believe it's impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

JobHulu intends to intelligently solve all career and human resource needs from end to end across various sectors and platforms in Africa and the world at large thus becoming the number one go-to site for anyone seeking opportunities from anywhere in Africa, especially Nigeria.