Job Trends

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Job Crisis
By May 2023, the National Bureau of Statistics will present updated  unemployment reports for Nigeria.


unemployment issues by jobhulu

In a paper titled “Nigeria Labour Force Framework Re-design 2023,” it made this disclosure.


Pandemic Ripples
Job cutbacks are increasing at some of the largest U.S. corporations, while others are still struggling to replace.

Pandemic Layoffs crisis by jobhulu

As a result of the unpredictable swings in consumer preferences since the Covid epidemic started three years ago, layoffs on the rise.

Generative AI
The rapid rise of the use and views around generative AI tools are throwing up new questions.

AI generational hazardsn by jobhulu

While generative AI has been adopted by many businesses and new startups are appearing, there are some issues with its use.


Money Talk
Facts: how long it takes for the average worker in each country to earn $1 million.

Economy by jobhulu

According to the report, Switzerland tops the list, with an average worker earning their first million dollars in just 14 years and 3 months. 

Influencer's Reach
Building internal influencers is a wise move, according to recruitment experts.

Influencer by jobhulu

Companies have long maintained social media rules and guidelines that specify what employees may and may not post online while also reminding employees 

Toxic Energy
It’s simple to claim you’ll quit your job because of ethics.

Toxic jobs by jobhulu

Even if there is evidence that some employees are quitting their jobs and/or refusing to accept new ones at organizations that don’t share their opinions, the situation remains complex.

Airline News
Clarifications: Spirit Airlines employees charged in $238,000 reservation scheme

jobhulu job trends

Three former Spirit Airlines employees were charged with a scheme to profit off passengers looking to get cheaper flights.


Enterprise Tech
Facts: regardless of workspace technologies, digital employees experience not good enough.

 A recent Gartner analysis relays that emphasis be shifted to providing employees with the tools and support needed to work good.

Business Health
Walmart agrees to cover abortion for employees when there are health risks, cases of rape.

Walmart said its health care plans will now cover abortion for employees “when there is a health risk to the mother.”

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