StudySoup jobs by jobhulu

Part Time Writer at StudySoup

StudySoup stands as an innovative hub where collegiate scholars can seamlessly trade notes, study aids, and tutoring. It serves as a dynamic peer-to-peer learning platform designed exclusively for college students. Here, high-achieving students can not only excel academically but also earn income by sharing their valuable notes, study materials, and tutoring expertise with their fellow peers…

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Location: Remote

Department: Literature

Job Type: Part-Time

Who Are We Looking For?

We’re seeking a creative mind to craft our weekly newsletter, aiming to enlighten and bring smiles to our cherished student community.

Engaging, in-depth content, conveyed in a relatable tone, and served with a dash of humor. We’re on a quest for emotions—awe, love, hate, humor—no middle ground.

As a freelance wordsmith at StudySoup, your realm will be all things college-related. Your canvas? Anything that tickles the fancy of college students, blending education and entertainment seamlessly.

Key Duties and Accountabilities
  • Punctuality and reliability.
  • Ability to embrace constructive feedback are non-negotiable.
  • Fluent in both written and spoken English.
  • Adaptable, resourceful, and capable of excelling under tight timelines.
  • Self-reliant, resourceful, problem-solving abilities, with a good-humored and flexible disposition.
  • Exhibits autonomy, efficiency, and reliability while consistently meeting high standards and deadlines.
Perks & Benefits
  • Remote- Work from Anywhere.
  • Work in an extremely flexible environment in a growing company that loves providing high-quality educational and financial resources to college students.
  • Huge opportunities for long-term growth in the company.
  • Hourly Pay $15/hour (10-15 hours per week)
Additional information

At StudySoup, diversity, equity, and inclusion are directly aligned with our core value to advance equity. StudySoup boasts a daily audience exceeding one million college students, surpassing even the entire population of Fiji, and they recently clinched a Gold medal. StudySoup is an equal-opportunity employer and welcomes people from all experiences, abilities, and perspectives to apply.

Method of Application

To initiate your application, simply send a paragraph and your resume to [email protected] outlining why you are awesome and the best for this role.